I found using the Little Seagull book helped me properly cite my sources. I didn’t realize that they had an example essay and examples on how cite certain sources until the second paper. I do feel I was aware of MLA but never really cited my sources on my own and always used a website for help. This wasn’t also an option for me this year so I had to do a little more work in order to cite my sources properly. This forced me to really articulate the sources I was using and make sure they were reliable.
I struggled with grammar and some punctuation errors throughout my paper which is why I had professor Emerson review my work quiet often towards the en to catch my little errors. When doing peer review, we never really focused on little grammatical errors and the overall themes and claims in the paper. We went over grammatical errors and how to properly use commas a few times in class discussion.
I often times used commas incorrectly; either using them too much or not enough.
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