Thesis: Beauty is essential in american mainstream society because it can challenge us , inspire us and make us in touch with our emotions. Due to the fact that beauty is subjective, we all encounter it differently.
Claim 1: Beauty has the power to bring out emotions in us we may not expect.
- Bring quotes or audio from the podcasts I chose
Claim 2: Along with emotions, beauty is necessary in terms of balance.
- “Both drives…they don’t work against one another. Instead, they co-operate…”
Claim 3: Beauty is important in our society because it challenges us, this challenge is needed in order for us to get out of our comfort zone…. (something along the lines of this)
- Refer to multiple podcasts that discuss challenge and possibly my own
Claim 4: We all experience beauty differently or have our own meaning due to the fact that it is subjective making it a unique experience to each of us.
- Podcast
- Importance of beauty in the world from Wilczek’s essay (theres multiple quotes I could add)
Claim 5: Beauty can be very inspiring to those that encounter it.
- Wilczek’s Essay
- Armstrong Essay
Claim 6: (Highlighting importance of beauty)
- Wilczek ideas of beauty being important in science and society
Consider adding a “so what” to the idea that beauty is subjective. What is the result of this?