I agree with Lamott’s descriptions as my first drafts always seem to be quite messy. Starting a paper is always the hardest thing for me, and I always feel stuck and don’t know what to write. From there I know I just have to get something down on the paper and just start to write whatever comes to my mind. After that I give it a day or two and then go back to try to fix it.
I somewhat related to this description and found it enjoyable to read. What I found surprising was that its common for writers to just write a bunch of nonsense in a first draft and then go back and find a completely different think they want to write about and start over for the second draft. I feel like that would frustrate me completely starting over after having initially written so much or had different idea.
Revision Plan Strategy:
I’m going to give my paper another look and highlight the major themes and support them with evidence from the text. In my peer review comments, I was told I needed to put more of my own opinion into the paper to support my argument better, so I’m going to explain more of the key quotes.
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